Availability: In Stock
1 lb PURE BEE POLLEN POWDER 100% Natural Fresh Best Finest Quality 16oz
$ 39.50

100% Pure Fresh Bee Pollen 

 PURE, ALL NATURAL, UNPROCESSED - Premium quality with no additives

 NEVER HEATED - Stakich Bee Pollen has been kept in a cold storage, away from direct sunlight

 A POWERHOUSE OF NATURALY OCCURING VITAMINS - All preserved and kept intact, 

 GOOD SOURCE OF ENERGY - Great to be added to smoothies, cereals, salads, yogurts or any of your favorite everyday dishes 

Stakich Bee Pollen Powder is our Bee Pollen granules that have been finely ground. It is all natural and loaded with nutritional elements the human body requires. A favorite among athletes and those interested in improving physical performance, bee pollen consistently and noticeably helps increase energy levels and supports recovery. 

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